How the workforce in Industry 4.0 is overburdened with ”Time Poverty” (An Indian sub-continent story) Selfcare October 5, 2024 byganesh.prabakaran@fruitstone.in5
Suicide Tourism: Britons travel to Switzerland to die. How putative non-profit organizations such as Dignitas are profiting from physician-assisted suicide? Uncategorized October 5, 2024 byganesh.prabakaran@fruitstone.in1
How countries such as Cuba and India are transitioning to organic farming, local food production, and community-based resource sharing? Selfcare August 22, 2023 byganesh.prabakaran@fruitstone.in5
How the workforce in Industry 4.0 is overburdened with ”Time Poverty” (An Indian sub-continent story) Selfcare October 5, 2024 byganesh.prabakaran@fruitstone.in5
How countries such as Cuba and India are transitioning to organic farming, local food production, and community-based resource sharing? Selfcare August 22, 2023 byganesh.prabakaran@fruitstone.in5
How Indian urban centers are inspired by Barcelona style ”Degrowth” City Initiatives and Collaborative Consumption? Style August 19, 2023 byganesh.prabakaran@fruitstone.in3
How initiatives like “Bicing” (bike-sharing) and community-focused markets aiming to foster local exchange and reduce material consumption can be put into these urban landscapes? Travel August 12, 2023 byganesh.prabakaran@fruitstone.in4
Conscious Capitalism aligning with “dharma” and Gandhian principles of trusteeship in India Trends August 7, 2023 byganesh.prabakaran@fruitstone.in5
In India, greenwashing—where companies make misleading claims about their environmental practices—has become a growing issue, particularly in sectors like consumer goods. How do regulators have formidable challenges in hand? Selfcare August 3, 2023 byganesh.prabakaran@fruitstone.in4